Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Our mornings...then and now...

A year ago my morning's were chaotic. It was, "Isaac! Wake-up! We have 20 minutes to get out of here or I'm going to be late!" and then the two of us ran around like chicken's trying to take care of Jack, secure the house, pack up lunches and deal with Ella as she had her morning fit. Some have coffee, Ella had meltdown's. By the time I dropped Isaac off at school, Ella at daycare, combatted the 405 into Newport Beach, I was exhausted!
Those days are gone.
Now most mornings I seem to awake to this:


Yup! Isaac and Ella cuddling in our bed! Isaac is clearly asleep and like always, Ella is trying her hardest to squeeze him awake. It never works but I imagine one of these days, it just might.
And you bet I'm enjoying every single minute of this new life...


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