Monday, July 13, 2009

Classic Beauty...

A few days ago I phoned my little sister and told her of this shoot I had in mind. She of course just listened as I went through details, poses, and coloring concepts. Natural...rustic...vintage...yellow...shadows...70's...simple... girlie dress...
(Just so you know I do this often.)
Sometimes just when I think I've lost my sister in my abyss of details, she'll come through with some extra piece of somethin' somethin' that I've completely over-looked. (That’s reason 4,383,391,393 of why I love her...)
Anyways, we discussed the shoot further and I made it crystal clear that I had to ask Mardi to be my subject. The girl is stunningly simple, classic and natural in her beauty. I believe it took her all of 15 minutes to prepare for this shoot?? Amazing! But beyond that Mardi is quirky in all the right places, which is why I absolutely adore her! (Quirkiness is very important!)
Thank you Mardi for letting me steal a few hours of your Sunday and for allowing me to put a silly vision into fruition.



Erik, Jayme and Casey July 14, 2009 at 12:46 PM  

I love them!

Unknown July 15, 2009 at 12:05 PM  

Lovely little sister!

Femme persistant July 30, 2009 at 8:31 PM  

Lisa, you did such an outstanding job in capturing Mardi's essence. Getting a relaxed expression was quite a feat! And I can even see the little freckles on her face. Thank you!

Mardi's Mom

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