Thursday, June 25, 2009

Dario's Army

In August of 2006, my nephew Dario, aged 4, was diagnosed with Acute Lyphoblastic Luekemia.

In response, Dario's Army was founded. This team consists of Dario's Parents, Grandparents, Aunt's, Uncle's and loved ones, most of which live on the East Coast. Since 2006, Dario's Army has participated in the Jimmy Fund Walk. (

As a family member, living on the West Coast, we've been limited in our participation. Certainly many of us here contribute to the Jimmy Fund Walk but the "west" coast family has agreed that it's just not enough.

So this year, the "west" coast family has banded together to form a new chapter of Dario's Army. We are Aunt's, Uncle's, cousins, second cousins, Grandparents, friends and loved ones...walking to show our little lamb that his family is united in his continued fight against leukemia.

On August 22nd, Dario's Army (the west) will walk in the Light the Night Walk in Orange County. A walk that helps raise money for research and trials to help find the cure to end blood cancers.

In effort to reach my personal goal for fundraising, I will be offering a significant discount on my photography sessions, with 25% of the amount going to Dario's Army/Light the Night Walk. Please check back for the details on this later.

You can read more about the walk here:

If you are interested in joining Dario's Army, please let me know at We are always looking for new soliders to join our mission!


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